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In 2012, we set out with the audacious task to fully complete the Redmond campus. We were able to add seating in the auditorium with the construction of a balcony, build the current High School and Middle School auditoriums and significantly add on to the lower parking lot. However, we limited the scope of the Building Hope project in order to maintain financial integrity during an economically difficult time. Now is the time to fully complete what we initially set out to do. The size and scope of this project will be based on available resources; however, it will encompass four endeavors:


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Improving access means creating a welcoming environment that can be used by all people. When we talk about accessibility, people often assume we mean making a building or another space accessible, but true accessibility means removing any barrier that would prevent a person from hearing about the amazing, life-changing and eternal gift of Jesus Christ.

Phase One includes the creation of new kids’ entrances on the lower and upper levels.These changes will not only make entering the facility easier for families and upgrade our level of safety for kids in general, it will also make our facility accessible for all people.

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Each week hundreds of kids and students attend a service in-person or online where they connect in community and grow in their faith. Our kids and students are not just the church of the future, rather they are the church today. As such, we will continue to make the next generation a priority. As we create spectacular spaces for kids and students to cultivate meaningful relationships with their peers, spiritual leaders and God, we know that immeasurable number of lives will be transformed as kids of all ages take another NEXT RIGHT STEP. This is an exciting season!


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Acres of Diamonds was established in 1995 as a local non-profit that creates lasting life change for homeless moms and their kids. Acres provides a safe place to recover, to rebuild and to break the cycles of addiction, poverty and abuse. Since 2013 Timberlake Church has been the parent organization of Acres of Diamonds in Duvall.

Compassion House in Issaquah also offers transitional housing for homeless women who are recovering from trauma and domestic violence and who have two or more children. With your help and financial commitment, our very own Acres of Diamonds has expanded and acquired Compassion House.


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Our roof has served the various ministries of Timberlake extremely well for 20 years. However, our roofing system has outlived it’s expected lifespan. Because we desire to be good stewards of the amazing facility we have and to ensure many more years of incredible ministry in this building, we have decided to prioritize the replacement of our roofing system. Thanks to your generosity, we have completed this portion of the project.

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“After coming to Timberlake, my soul really began to awaken to God. I quickly decided to take my NEXT RIGHT STEP and be baptized. It was an amazing experience where I felt restored. Now, I am so passionate about serving others and growing more in my faith”



Asset 10“The first day my family walked through the doors of Timberlake we were greeted with such a warm welcome that we immediately felt at home. We love the practical teaching of the gospel, amazing worship, thriving youth church, and community outreach – we love being part of the Timberlake family.”


Asset 9“Timberlake’s ‘No weird stuff’ slogan really grabbed me, given my early church upbringing. The open and transparent culture has really allowed me to get comfortable and lean into my faith. I’ve since been baptized, built so many great relationships, participated in multiple growth groups, serve regularly, and even decided to lead a group at Re-Engage. I can say with absolute confidence that my faith is grown exponentially since joining the Timberlake community.”


Asset 11“Since attending the High School Student Ministry, my faith has grown much stronger. I committed my life to God for the first time at a service. A few months later, I got baptized and began serving on the Dream Team. Being a student leader has helped me to find a calling to ministry and grow closer to God through service and loving others.”